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Symbol of Cooperation and Interdependence


Welcome to Village Dreams


What We Do

 Village Dreams is an all volunteer organization committed to applying 100% of donations directly to education projects in Ampeha village. In partnership with the Chief, Elders, and Villagers of Ampeha, Village Dreams developed a mission to change the future of their children through education.  Starting in preschool, we work together to support the children and families through Elementary, and Junior Secondary grades in the village school. 



The Latest News...Education Success
Elementary - Junior Secondary - High School and Beyond

With good facilities, trained teachers, and a highly competent school head, the regional ranking of Ampeha Village School has leapt from 78th to 30th out of 84 schools in five years.


The next priorities are enabling all village students to go to and graduate from high school.  According to the 2020 Ghana Education Fact Sheet published by USAID, World Bank, UNICEF - approximately 80% of rural students accepted to high school do not graduate.


Village Dreams understands that to prepare students adequately for the rigorous National High School Entrance Exam the village school grade levels need new curriculum textbooks, quality resources and implementation of best practice teaching methods.


Ghana's Education Ministry tests students in 8 subjects for high school entrance.  Qualification for highly ranked schools depends on outstanding scores:

  • Highest scores are indicated by 1

  • 2 = higher

  • 3 = high

  • 4 = high average and so on

Results of this academic year are listed below:


2023 Junior Secondary School Academic Excellence Awards:

English Language - Eight students scored 1

Mathematics - Two students scored 1; three scored 2; two scored 3; one scored 4

Integrated Science - One scored 1; three scored 2; two scored 3; one scored 4

ICT - One scored 1; three scored 2;two scored 3; two scored 4

Akuapem Twi (first language) - Four scored 1; three scored 2; one scored 4


2024 Junior Secondary School Academic Excellence Awards below...more to follow, check back soon!




           Blessing and Angela ​

  Regional Math & Science Semi-       Finalists



First Full High School Scholarship. She plans to be a pastry chef and baker.




 Full High School Scholarship.  He hopes to join the military and become an officer.


Created to support Village Dreams' #1 goal for donations in 2024 - Keeping girls in school through high school.  In June, twelve middle school girls inaugurated Girls Hub with the mission of engaging the awareness of the community regarding girls' potential and supporting each other personally and academically.  Run by Girls Hub members and teacher mentors, they learn about Health, Careers and Community Service with guest speakers and various organized programs. 

Introducing Girls Hub

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Girls Hub inaugural week of celebration!

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Girls Hub Teacher Mentors, Mmes. Cynthia, Bridget and Sandra

Where We Started...Where We are Going

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From Dreadful to Hopeful: In 2013 education in Ampeha faced multiple crises: tumbledown classrooms unusable during periods of rain, lack of daily instruction and purposeful learning experiences, teacher absenteeism, and an appalling scarcity of books, materials or supplies.


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Village Dreams first order of business was to  provide all weather school buildings.  The last of six classroom blocks was completed in 2021.












The second was to reduce teacher absenteeism, ensuring daily instruction.  Six units of on-campus teacher housing were completed in 2019.  The village then started a building fund, and currently villagers are building 4 more units that we plan to finish in 2024. 


Looking to the Future

In partnership with the village, our goals for 2024 include: ​


  • Keeping Girls in School - through mentorship, removing barriers for attendance and nurturing academic ability

  • Improving Reading Comprehension - by expanding reading programs

  • Continuing Academic Excellence Awards 

  • Expanding Teacher Housing

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Thank you!

None of this would be possible without our donors.  Thank you to all friends of Village Dreams who have made these dreams possible in Ampeha.   

Village Dreams is tax exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the Code.

Thank you for making your donation by check to Village Dreams.  Please mail checks to: Village Dreams, 2324 14th Street, Apt 1,  Boulder, CO 80304 (Donating by check eliminates having an encrypted electronic system costing Village Dreams approximately $1000 annually).


Our heartfelt thanks to each of you for your encouragement, advice, prayers and donations!

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